
Health Tips

Quick Trip Hotel Grocery List

Due to unexpected repairs to our home, my husband and I were displaced and put up in a hotel this week. To save both our health and our pocket book, we decided to head to the grocery store for some healthier food options. With only a mini-fridge, we won’t be eating gourmet, but we will…

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Fiber — Nature’s Toothbrush!

It’s fairly evident by now that fiber — umm — keeps you regular. That said, it’s still one of the more challenging foods for some of us to maintain with consistency in our diet. Fiber gets a bad rap because it evokes images of prunes and weird, grainy orange drinks. Not so yum. Only 1…

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Make-Ahead Green Smoothies!

Eating our greens is something we all need to do a better job of, but it’s not always so easy! We have busy schedules and those green leafies quickly turn to brown wilties after too much time in the fridge. We start with good intentions and find ourselves grunting under our breath when we have…

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Cinch Your Wallet and Your Waist!

Who doesn’t want to eat healthy AND save money? Many of my clients are searching for ways to do just that and commonly complain that eating healthy costs too much! It’s time to throw away that misconception that healthy = expensive. You can enjoy delicious and satisfying food that’s good for you and your bank…

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Super Bowl Sunday: Baked Chicken Wings, Sauces, & Dip!

Super Bowl Sunday is right around the corner! In an effort to banish the bloat and feel your best this Sunday, check out the following recipe for wings and dip. They are sure to please the crowd and leave guests asking for more! Instead of deep frying the wings, the following method utilizes the oven for…

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3 Holiday Pary Tips & Tricks

Just a few tips and trick to keep in mind during the holiday party circuit… As much as parties bring holiday cheer they are often responsible for unwanted pounds. Here are a few easy things you can do to manage your waistline over the next couple weeks. Go Prepared – Have a small snack at…

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What Would Your Great-Great Grandmother Eat?

One to two hundred years ago the field of nutrition really didn’t exist. Sure, there has always been cultural guidance when it comes to nutrition and health but no such thing as nutritionists or dietitians with whom people could visit to be put on a “healthy” diet. I put “healthy” in quotations because there are…

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Be Thankful Challenge

Gratitude and good health go hand in hand and it is something we hear a lot about this time of year. No matter who you are, there is something to be thankful for… Don’t believe me? Just consider that you are reading this blog right now on what happens to be YOUR smartphone, YOUR computer,…

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Do you need a fat makeover?

If a client meets with me for just one session, you can be assured that, for nearly every person, a priority on their list of recommendations will be transitioning to only healthy fats in their kitchen. In fact, I urge them to throw away the rest because of how harmful unhealthy fats can be to their health…

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A Few Tricks for Going Dairy-Free

For most of us growing up in the United States, dairy products are a staple. No pizza would be complete without cheese and most of us can agree that a tall glass of cow’s milk perfectly compliments some warm oven-baked cookies. Dairy products are convenient too! Besides being high in protein and calcium, many love…

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