5 Reasons to Work with a Registered Dietitian

With all the amazing nutrition and health related information on the internet these days, it’s hard to justify going to visit with a dietitian or nutritionist about your health goals. You can find just about anything you need online and, for the most part, it’s free, so what’s the point of buying time with a dietitian?

Of course, I might be a little biased in writing this post, but the truth of the matter is that I wouldn’t be doing what I do if I didn’t believe it worked for people. Below are 5 great reasons you should meet with a Registered Dietitian if you want to SEE RESULTS and FEEL BETTER in the healthiest way possible.

  1. Everyone is different, and therefore has unique nutritional needs.  Just as you would buy a certain size shirt to fit your body, you should also buy into a health program that fits your metabolic and specific nutrient needs. No matter how sophisticated an online program or blog might sound, there is a big something missing. None of these programs can tailor a nutrition program that fit your lifestyle, your budget (i.e. cost of groceries), and your unique metabolic needs.  With the help of a Functional Medicine perspective and years of experience, a Registered Dietitian can personalize a nutrition program that fits YOU, and only you.  I see patients 3 days a week and the variety of health issues ranges from mild to severe. Each person I work with has a unique background and environment that is completely unlike the next. There have been days at work where I encourage a high fat diet to one person and a low fat diet to the next. They both work, but only in the context of the person. You will not get that from the internet or YouTube videos who often tout THEIR way being the ONLY or BEST way to achieve health.
  2. Sequence.  Even if you can gather credible pieces of information off the internet, who is going to tell you how to put it together? If I gave you all the number in my telephone number but didn’t tell you the order to dial them in, you would certainly have a hard time reaching me, wouldn’t you? The same goes for a diet and lifestyle changes. Having a professional lead you down a path of least resistance in the RIGHT order leads to RESULTS, which is what you are going after anyway, right?
  3. Convenience. Some of you out there might have hours of time to read articles, listen to podcasts and watch videos on health, and you might even be able to put some of it together for yourself, but what is the cost? TIME! You have better things to do with your time, like going for a walk, calling your mom, or preparing a healthy meal! Let the R.D. do some of the work for you by getting the education and learning how to review the research so you don’t have to… Unless of course, you are studying to be a dietitian, then get your nose back in those books!
  4. Standard of Education. Everywhere I look, there are health coaches and “nutritionists” popping up online and elsewhere. They are promoting every kind of diet out there, but there is often little mention of their credentials and science to back up their claims. I have met “nutritionists” who have everything from a 2 week training to a master’s degree and everything in between. A lot of them promote questionable supplements and tend to deliver the same information to every client. How are you to know who you are working with? My suggestion is to ask a lot of questions before working with that someone OR hire a Registered Dietitian. When you go for a R.D. you can be sure that he or she has a minimum of a 4 year Bachelor’s degree in nutrition or dietetics PLUS a 6-12 month internship in a clinical setting, and has passed a nationally certified board exam from the CDR.
  5. Accountability and Motivation.  Let’s face it, having someone to confide in outside of your family or social circle is extremely helpful in goal setting. My clients are far more successful when they take the journey with a professional who can answer their questions and check in with regularly. We are more likely to set and make positive health related goals if we have someone with whom to be accountable. A Registered Dietitian can be that person! He or she will help move you in the direction you want to go in a way that fits your lifestyle and personal goals. He/she is your parter and confidant in your journey to health. If you find a blog that can offer that, please let me know, because that might be a sign for me to find a new career path!

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post outlining some great reasons to meet with a R.D. today. But, don’t take my word for it. This is just a blog post after all! See the results for yourself and meet with Beth today.

In Healthy and Vitality,



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