A Balanced Plate for Balanced Blood Sugar

Part of a successful nutrition plan is the incorporation of well-rounded meals to balance your blood sugars and leave you feeling energized throughout the day. Without sufficient protein, fat, and fiber, your blood sugar could swing the wrong direction leaving you sluggish and mentally drained.

Here are some quick tips regarding meals, including portions, that will get you started down the road to successful meal planning and balanced blood sugars.

  1. Eat at least 3 meals/day, starting with a good full-sized breakfast.
  2. Base each meal on around 1-2 PALM SIZED portions of protein. Fill the rest of the plate with vegetables, a small portion of whole grains (1/2 cup) and some fruit (if desired). Add a fat in the following amounts per meal listed below.
  3. Make each meal large enough to satisfy you until the next meal or snack, stopping  a couple hours before you go to bed.
  4. Eat 15-75 minutes before you workout. This is a signal for your body to prepare for activity. Use foods that are easily digestable and palatable for your body. If possible include a small amount of protein (1/2 palm sized), and an optional small amount of fat (1/2 that of a meal).
  5. Eat immediately following exercise (within 15-30 minutes). Again, go for a protein but add a vegetable that is slightly starchy like sweet potatoes/yams, taro/poi, butternut squash, acorn squash, pumpkin or beets or a whole grain choice, if tolerated.

 Fat Portions:

  • All oils and cooking fats: 1-2 thumb-sized portions
  • All butter (ghee, coconut butter, nut butter, etc): 1-2 thumb-sized portions
  • Coconut: 1-2 open handfuls
  • Olives: 1-2 open handfuls
  • Nuts and Seeds: Up to one closed handful
  • Avocado: 1/2 to 1 full avocado
  • Coconut milk: Between 1/4 to 1/2 can (14 oz can)
  • Cheese: 2 thumb sized portions



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