
IMUA Recipes

Craving something sweet? Try this healthful recipe

I could go on and on about how bad refined sugar is for our bodies and minds. But it is Friday and I’d rather focus on the fun stuff; such as adding in sweetness that is naturally good for you. When you enjoy the natural sweetness of fruits and vegetables  you don’t expose yourself to…

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Chocolate Pudding, anyone?

Need I ask twice?! Whether it’s the childhood memories or the pure desire for comfort (aka chocolate), chocolate pudding is a little hard to turn down. Even though, we know we probably should. Turn. It. Down. And even though, nine times out of ten, those little plastic containers filled with milk, sugar, high fructose corn…

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Lucky New Years Recipe

I hope that you have had a wonderful start to the New Year! I made this delightful soup this past week and upon sharing it with my group clients; they remarked ‘oh black eyed peas to bring in good luck in the New Year’. ‘Um, yes, of course’… but, in fact, it was a complete…

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Green Juice
Why green?

America has no shortage of supporters on Saint Patrick’s Day, and is notorious for bringing out the green garb in a big way! But, have you ever wondered why people wear green on Saint Patrick’s Day? The Catholic Saint Patrick, after whom the day is named, originally wore the color blue. Apparently, one of the reasons why we now…

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Meatless Monday Recipe – Super Nutritious and Delicious!

Want a great way to start your week the healthy way? This recipe is taken from Dr Joel Fuhrman’s book ‘Eat to Live’ (Page 270- 271). Dr Fuhrman has a wonderful approach to health, focusing on nutrient dense foods that prevent disease and make you feel amazing! I made this recipe for my friend’s birthday…

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Our Recipes – IMUA’s Homemade Granola

IMUA’s Granola   2 cups oats 1/2 cup seeds of your choice (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, chia, flaxseed, etc) 1.5 cup nuts of your choice (walnuts, almonds, pecans, mac nuts, hazelnuts, etc) 1/3 cup honey 1/3 cup olive oil pinch of cinnamon and salt teaspoon of vanilla dried coconut or other dried fruit   Mix all dry…

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