
Health Tips

5 Reasons to Work with a Registered Dietitian

With all the amazing nutrition and health related information on the internet these days, it’s hard to justify going to visit with a dietitian or nutritionist about your health goals. You can find just about anything you need online and, for the most part, it’s free, so what’s the point of buying time with a dietitian?…

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A Balanced Plate for Balanced Blood Sugar

Part of a successful nutrition plan is the incorporation of well-rounded meals to balance your blood sugars and leave you feeling energized throughout the day. Without sufficient protein, fat, and fiber, your blood sugar could swing the wrong direction leaving you sluggish and mentally drained. Here are some quick tips regarding meals, including portions, that…

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Product Review: FreshBox

When working with clients, one of the hardest things for people is not the WHAT but the HOW. Most of us know that eating more fruits and vegetables is good. We understand that healthy fats are important and that whole grains should be selected over refined grains. The fact is, what we know, we do not always apply.…

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Costco Craze Part I: What to buy at Costco?

If you have a family, work full-time, and just can’t seem to find go to the grocery store on a regular basis, you just might find yourself buying into a Costco membership. You know, that HUGE superstore filled with bargain prices on bulk items and long waiting lines for both parking and check out? It’s become somewhat…

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Best way to cook an egg

Did you know that HOW you cook your eggs can impact your health? The cholesterol in an egg yolk is actually very unstable and quickly degrades when it is exposed to oxygen and air. Eating cholesterol from foods that have been exposed to high heat or long bouts of oxygen are less healthy for you…

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4 Food Behaviors that Affect Your Health and Wellness

Most of us realize that eating overly processed foods make us feel worse, but have you ever considered that HOW you eat your food may also have an impact? The behavior around eating food is under appreciated, so I wanted to take minute to give you 4 great tips that may help improve digestion, give…

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The White Potato: An under-appreciated superfood

  The white potato. A nutritious staple for some, a seemingly horrible dietary decision for others. So which is it? Potatoes have been given quite the slap on the hand over the past few decades resulting in a significant decrease in consumption in the US over the past decade. The favorable decrease in french-fry consumption…

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How to Survive the Holiday Season, Feeling Fabulous

The holiday season is a wonderful time to celebrate family, friends and the food that sustains us. But, the holiday season can also be a challenging time of the year; with the stress of shopping, holiday parties, and everything else going on. We tend to rely on food choices that seem easy, but don’t serve…

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Are you a yo-yo exerciser?  Do you have tons of excuses as to why now is just not a good time to commit to a regular exercise regime? Don’t worry, I’ve totally been there before..numerous times! But, the truth is that whenever I commit to a regular exercise routine life always gets better – I feel…

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