
Health Tips

The 80/20 Rule

Eating perfect 100% of the time is actually something I don’t recommend. Don’t believe me? Just ask my friends and family. I practice what I preach and there is rarely a week that passes when I don’t eat something outside of my “perfect” diet plan.  Whether it’s a bowl of ice cream or a hamburger with…

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Number 2, Why it’s so important…

There is no polite way to start this blog post, so I’ll just hit the nail on the head, pooping is important! I know, I know. Not the best health tip to read about while eating breakfast, but the fact remains… It is important and if you aren’t using the bathroom every day, an intervention…

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Put Your Home on a Diet!

Ladies and Gentlemen… Grab your trash bags, put on your aviator goggles and lace up your work boots. It’s time to put your house on a diet! According to the EPA, one of the highest sources of environmental toxins is the air inside of our homes. No joke! The air we breathe, especially the air in our…

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10 Ways to Minimize Everyday Toxins

It’s possible you have been exposed to this idea that we are living in a world full of toxins. Whether it is the air you breathe, or the water you drink, toxins seem to be everywhere. Our body has very efficient ways of removing toxins via our digestive system, the liver and the kidneys, but too many…

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3 Fat Fighting Nutrients

If your exercise and diet routine seem to be tuned in and you still can’t seem to lose the extra pounds (that is if you NEED to lose the extra weight), these three nutrients might help you blast to the next level. Green Tea: Swapping out your coffee for green tea might just help! Green tea helps clear…

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Minute Breakfast Casserole Recipe

In a previous post, I explained why I think breakfast is so important and what should be in a well-rounded breakfast to keep your energy sustained so you feel your best. I also told you about adrenal fatigue and what you can do about it. The recipe I am sharing today is something that I cook almost every…

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Do you peel your cucumbers?

According to the Environmental Working Group cucumbers rank at the top of the list of vegetables that are the most heavily sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals can mess with our hormones and alter the way the body detoxifies harmful substances from the body. If you are trying to clean up your diet for pregnancy,…

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Adrenal Fatigue – Tips & Sample Meal Plan

This day in age, nearly everyone around us is suffering from some degree of adrenal fatigue. Simply put, this means that the stress of our modern day lifestyle is catching up with us. Between getting up early, rushing out the door with a cup of double strength coffee, prepping for the last minute meeting with the boss,…

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Better Beet Kvass – A Fermented Drink Recipe

Fermented foods are the hottest new trend in the nutrition world despite their ancient and historical use throughout the ages for health and vitality. Beet Kvass, is a traditional fermented beverage from Eastern Europe. It was revered for it’s medicinal qualities which we now know are related to the probiotics, vitamins and minerals it contains. Kvass…

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Making Breakfast Better So You Feel Brighter

You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again… Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. We are literally BREAKING the FAST and what we put into our body when we wake up greatly contributes to how we feel the rest of the day. If you work with me, you also know that I consider…

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