
Health Tips

Craving something sweet? Try this healthful recipe

I could go on and on about how bad refined sugar is for our bodies and minds. But it is Friday and I’d rather focus on the fun stuff; such as adding in sweetness that is naturally good for you. When you enjoy the natural sweetness of fruits and vegetables  you don’t expose yourself to…

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No time for exercise? Six Sassy Solutions

With work, family, friends, cooking and everything else in life – how am I to find time for exercise?! This is the most common excuse that I hear from my clients –  there’s just no time for it. And I can certainly empathize and relate to this because I know just how hard it is to maintain a regular exercise schedule when you only…

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Are you bored of the same old smoothies? Or are you just looking for ways to make them more exciting and nutritious?! Please allow me to welcome you to your future of superior nutrition,  as we say bye bye to conventional smoothies and hello to SUPER smoothies! Moving you forward, one ingredient at a time… Number one has got to…

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DETOX 101 – 5 Quick Tips

During this time of the year – with our post-holiday pounds and the promise of new beginnings – the word ‘detox’ seems to come up everywhere…Whether its Gwyneth Paltrow’s New 3 Day Detox or Dr Hyman’s new detox book – the news is abuzz with this often mysterious and misunderstood word. And you will find…

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Lucky New Years Recipe

I hope that you have had a wonderful start to the New Year! I made this delightful soup this past week and upon sharing it with my group clients; they remarked ‘oh black eyed peas to bring in good luck in the New Year’. ‘Um, yes, of course’… but, in fact, it was a complete…

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How to Set Achievable New Year’s Resolutions

Do you want 2014 to be your best year EVER? Do you want to set resolutions that you actually achieve? Or are you just sick of setting resolutions because you never stick to them for longer than a week!? You’ve come to the right place! We have five tried and tested tips to make sure…

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Looking Back and Moving Forward!

Wow, and then before you know it – it’s December and 2013 is coming to a close! We hope that 2013 has been a year of happiness and health for you and your loved ones. If you’ve been as busy as we have; you may not even have time to exhale before we welcome in…

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